Monday 17 March 2014

What is Reclaimed Teak?

What is Reclaimed Teak? 

Teak itself is large hardwood tree found in South east Asia, and India and more recently grown commercially in Africa.  

It is a tropical hardwood, with a great strength and durability. Some of its durability comes from the woods high oil content, which makes it more resistant to water, moulds, damp and insects. Combined with its strength it makes an ideal material for outdoor uses such as at and ship building, construction or use in railways structures, bridges and buildings. 

It has been used a great deal in buildings, bridges, and railways in South east asia for many years, as it was once a commonly found. 

In time old buildings needed demolishing, bridges needed strengthening, railways sleepers were replaced for safety reasons and this old wood became available. Initially it was burned or discarded as waste, until the value of the wood was realised. 

More recently this teak has been salvaged and reclaimed from demolition sites and projects and rather than being burnt, has been used in more practicle uses such as manufacture of furniture, and home accessories. 

The reclaimed teak we often see now is weathered and full of character, often with knots and even the occasional nail hole, betraying its previous uses. Some of the products made with reclaimed teak are very attractive and full of character.... 

Click here for more:   Reclaimed teak boxes
                                                                                  Reclaimed teak photo frames

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