Wednesday 3 February 2010

the beginning....

I was sat at my PC in a Marketing Dept of a medium sized company, in a typical open plan office, thinking, there must be more to life than this?
The office party? The sycophantic team mates laughing at the boss's jokes, the self styled "crazy" guy, with his "hilarious" ties...

Within a few months I had handed in my notice, sold my house, and with my dusty backpack, I was on the other side of the world... I felt an awakening, like I had woken up and discovered real life. For the first time in years I felt fully alive. But from now on this is how I would try to live my life......

I travelled beyond Australia, New Zealand and into Asia... Malaysia, Japan, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, and Singapore...truly a trip of a lifetime, and a for me a life changing experience. This trip sowed seeds in my imagination, gave me time to think, relax, and see the world and my own life in a new light. That open plan office seemed so far another world. and it occurred to me I might not have to return to it...

I returned to the UK 16 months later, a different person, an open mind and a set of new ideas. In my backpack were some unusual, and attractive product samples....

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