Sunday 6 June 2010

Reclaimed Teak Items

Always anxious to keep a clean conscience, and help the environment where we can, we came across some Teak wood items in Indonesia. You may be aware Teak is a very slow growing, and increasingly hunted tropical hardwood tree. Its numbers are not what they were... and ilegal logging is regrettably widespread in the rainforrests of south east asia.

I was pleased to find a couple of suppliers offering reclaimed teak products, basically using old recycled wood. What this actually means in reality, is taking the wood from older houses, railway sleepers, or large pieces of furniture.

I am currently looking at some interesting chunky mirrors, and some smaller boxes made from this teak - photos coming soon!

The reclaimed aspect (e.g worn, and weathered) gives the Teak a pleasant aged feel to it, which adds additional character.